UFPJ adds at the end of its call: "You might have also heard that United for Peace and Justice was calling for a demonstration in Washington to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the war in Iraq on March 17. Because of the new developments and our decision to organize the January 27th mobilization, we are now calling for local and regional antiwar actions that weekend instead. We will soon be issuing more information about the plans for the 4th anniversary" ("Bring the Mandate for Peace to Washington DC on Jan. 27," <http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3436>).
Sectarian tensions run as deep in the USA as in Iraq. Fortunately, neither side is armed here!
-- Yoshie <http://montages.blogspot.com/> <http://mrzine.org> <http://monthlyreview.org/>