> > A bit nervy, don't you think ?
>Is "nervy" a meaningful criterion for the truth or
>falsity of a position?
I don't know, but maybe two illustrations of how specific thinkers have got Marx wrong would be great. Even better, two more illustrations of how the thinkers you admire have got it wrong. Not as a challenge because I don't believe you, but I really don't know exactly what you are talking about when you say "got it wrong" and "got it right".
On a somewhat related note, if I select a passage from The German Ideology, it will say that intellectuals are members of the capitalist class. Nonetheless, no one here ever speaks of intellectuals that way: they are conceived as either working class or middle class. Now, seems to me, we all speak of intellectual "incorrectly" in so far as we aren't adhering to Marx and Engels' words in The German Ideology. And yet.... probably all of us here do not speak of intellectuals as part of capital!
What gives with this? (soemthing that came up in comments at the blog)
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