In frustration Carrol, i ask, have you read what I have written? Where I said similar things? For instance:
"Now nobody blames a Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at some department specializing in logical positivism for producing and reproducing the lexicon and technical goop of her supperiors. A gal has to make a living after all, and in general it is a better life if you can get a job as a professor than it is working as a taxi driver. But don't try to sell me on the fact that in doing this you are striking a blow against hierarchy. The same goes for any other specialized lexicon, but especially the ones that don't provide light on their subjects. If you can conform to such jobs and also maintain your integrity, then you can divide your time between the dark and the light, the obscure and the clear. I know of many law professors who in their own way do just this."
And I added later, that with privilege comes an obligation especially for those of us who favor more democracy to try to make ourselves comprehensible to others and try to work for openness of the institutions that we are in.
That these institutions have existed in these forms since the rise of class society I have been arguing all along.
Frankly, I don't understand why you need to tell me this? I am sure we agree on the basic point, and even my amendments, here to the basic point.
Since we agree, and I am pretty sure you know we agree, why not engage the issues where we don't agree?
Jerry Moanco
> ___________________________________
-- Jerry Monaco's Philosophy, Politics, Culture Weblog is Shandean Postscripts to Politics, Philosophy, and Culture
His fiction, poetry, weblog is Hopeful Monsters: Fiction, Poetry, Memories
Notes, Quotes, Images - From some of my reading and browsing