[lbo-talk] Re: Fidel

Jerry Monaco monacojerry at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 06:50:24 PST 2006

On 12/25/06, Brian Charles Dauth <magcomm at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> > We will continue to live in the Republic of Hypocrisy in the near future
> > until most of
> us realize that the country we are responsible for is the United States not
> Cuba.
> I believe in queer solidarity which you may not experience as a non-queer.
> > At the moment, as far as I cans see, the only enemy is at home.
> So those who persecute queers are not enemies?
> Brian

Just a hypothetical situation:

Julius Caesar is in Gaul, slaughtering whole villages, and killing people by the thousands for his own glory and the glory of Rome. In the course of Caesar's human hecatomb in Gaul, Vercingetorix surrounds a village and kills or expels all of the Romans in that village. Vercingetorix also suppresses Roman ecstatic mystery cults and their sexual practices in the areas of Gaul he still control.

Julius Caesar writes home to the Senate and the People of Rome about Vercingetorix atrocities, including in his report the suppression of the Roman mystery cults and its sexual practices.

Meanwhile back in Rome is a leader of the Bacchic cult. The cult and its practices has been occasionally suppressed and persecuted by the Roman patriarchal rulers, but now is continuing in relative openness, because significant members of the ruling classes and their wives belong to the cult.

But now the leader of the Bacchic cult , is outraged at reading the contents of Julius Caesar's letter. How dare Vercingetorix suppress the Bacchic cult and its sexual practices! How dare this evil and closed minded regime even exist! It is what she talks about when she talks to people who oppose Caesar's war against Gaul. It is what she talks about when she speaks to senatorial orators who support Caesar's war of slaughter and massacre in Gaul. She is for solidarity with the all of the practitioners of the feminine mystery cult. The mystery cult cuts across class lines and undermines patriarchal values everywhere, and that is why its sexual practices are being repressed by the war lord Vercingetorix. She believes that this war lord must be stopped.

Meanwhile Julius Caesar continues his slaughter and expands it. His slaughter shows a salutary equality of treatment. The people murdered by Caesar are murdered only because they resist the Roman suppression of Gaul and it doesn't matter to him if such people they have the sexual practices of the mystery cults or not. This is called bringing Roman values to benighted Gaul.

Thousands murdered in Gaul. And back in Rome our leader of the mystery cult talking to the perpetrators of these murders about the suppression of her mystery cult in Gaul. All of this is an amazing exercise in solidarity with the people of Gaul and a wonderful example of a political moral choice in how best to stop atrocity. You figure it out.

Jerry Monaco

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