[lbo-talk] Ian Williams

Nurr nurr at igc.org
Fri Dec 29 21:50:15 PST 2006

A week ago Ian Williams was on Democracy Now!

Shouldn't this guy be confronted rather than treated as a friendly guest?

Here's what a critic wrote about Williams, taking issue with Amy Goodman over the Balkans:

"I think that except for her treatment of the Rambouillet conference, Amy Goodman's performance on the Balkans has been all that a Madeleine Albright and Richard Holbrooke could ask. She even had Gabrielle Kirk McDonald on as a friendly guest when McDonald was president of the ICTY, an appointee of Albright, and a rabid follower of Albright-Holbrooke priorities. She may have been fooled by McDonald's early connection with NAACP and may not have been aware of her close connection to Freeport-McMoRan Cooper, on whose board she served and to whom she later returned as their specialist in "human rights"! On Srebrenica and other matters she seems completely ignorant of any alternative views and follows the party line. The members of the group with whom I am working, still polishing up a large manuscript [], contacted her just before the tenth anniversary memorials on Srebrenica, but she ignored us. Williams is one of the worst propagandists on the Balkans--and he is part of history, because he was one of the three reporters present when Penny Marshall took that photo of an emaciated prisoner behind barbed wire in a Serb facility, when in fact the barbed wire was around the photographer, the prisoner was very unrepresentative and sick, and it was a transit camp and not a "death camp." That photo did a lot to firm up the U.S.-NATO plans and ability to refuse to settle those internal wars and was partly responsible for many subsequent deaths--but a triumph for Western militarism etc."

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