That article names Berkman as the would-be assassin who Goldman covered up for. Berkman explained why anarchism doesn't mean violence or disorder in his most famous work, _ABC of Anarchism_:
"I mean to speak to you honestly and frankly, and you can take my word for it, because it happens that I am just one of those Anarchists who are pointed out as men of violence and destruction. I ought to know, and I have nothing to hide." <>
Don't Castro and Chavez often put on the soldier's uniform? These "strongmen," as the media calls them?
Berkman asks, "When a citizen puts on a soldier's uniform, he may have to throw bombs and use violence. Will you say, then, that citizenship stands for bombs and violence?"
Didn't Che write an influential manual on guerilla warfare? Don't many in the US working class put on the soldier's uniform and fight abroad?