> If you want to explain to your kids the virtues of socialism, you first need
> to make them first-hand experience the notion of society and social
> solidarity, as opposed to private exclusionary clubs and gangs that are the
> dominant form of social organization in the US, if we take the federal
> government out of the equation. Have them live abroad for a year or two -
> Europe, Latin America, Israel - where they can truly experience the "social"
> in "socialism." My ex and I made that effort and send the kid to experience
> other countries (Europe, Cuba), even when money was really tight. But
> inoculating the kid from the virus of US-style individualism and localism
> was worth every penny of it.
Some of us call what you are talking about "anarchism."
Kroptokin wrote a book called "mutual aid" and many other anarchists have written about the anarchistic aspects of human society.
Then there are things like the free software movement which are essentially anaarchist.