Yeah, we should all stay at home! And watch Fox!
> Not only do we drive less efficient vehicles than the rest
> of the world, we drive them more and are more likely to take
> solo trips.
Isn't that called 'standard of living' ...? :-)
> You have to change the math on locational decisions
> and density practices, as a higher gas tax is one way to get that
> started.
What are you talking about? It was _because_ oil is cheap and transportation plentiful that the US spread out the way it did; why does a dog lick his nuts? Who here wants to go back to living in super dense cities? Maybe those of us who can afford to play in a place like Manhattan, but for the rest of the country (i.e., most of it), spreading out was a conscious choice.
> Re: the chicken/egg problem, the US can't reduce its energy
> consumption without changing our spatial layout. So pointing to the
> spatial layout as a way of saying that higher energy costs would be
> impossible isn't a refutation, it's a confirmation of the problem.
It is certainly a confirmation of the problem; but it still is unworkable to have asa your first step: tax the poor.