[lbo-talk] The US Power Elite: Undawnted

Jim Devine jdevine03 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 09:15:51 PST 2006

> I'm amazed by the number of lefties who get excited when oilmen
> endorse peak oil. They love the idea of peak oil - for them it means
> higher prices, looser regulations, and tax breaks. In that lovely
> Wall Street phrase, they're talking their book.

The only good thing about "peak oil" talk is that it encourages some to cut back on their use of gasoline -- and to endorse conservation efforts. But that can be justified by a more serious problem, i.e., global warming.

-- Jim Devine "When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. Now I'm beginning to believe it." -- Clarence Darrow

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