US schools compared to E. Europe (was Re: [lbo-talk] life in Germany)

John Lacny jlacny at
Fri Jan 20 09:52:56 PST 2006

Wojtek writes:

> But if you happened to stumble into the high end of the spectrum
> - no, not the Johns Hopkins, Harvards or Yales, but, say, the
> California Community College System "integrated" with U of
> California and Cal State U before it came under the Repug
> assault in the 1990s

I thought we were not talking about university- and college-level education, but about the high school system. I get the point that there's plenty of variation in the US, but that's a political point in and of itself, isn't it? The incredibly two-tiered system even of publicly-funded education in the US. I don't know enough about Western Europe to know whether it's better there, though . . .

- - - - - - - - - - John Lacny

Tell no lies, claim no easy victories

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