American educational system 84% Healthcare system 82% Energy independence 79% Global warming 72% Budget deficit 71%
And here is how you responded to the following questions:
Which of the following best describes your expectations for the U.S. economy over the next decade?
Very optimistic 6% Somewhat optimistic 36% Neither optimistic nor pessimistic 28% Somewhat pessimistic 26% Very pessimistic 4%
When thinking about U.S. government's response to the issue of global warming, do you…?
Strongly approve 4% Somewhat approve 13% Somewhat disapprove 22% Strongly disapprove 62%
Do you think the quality of higher education in the United States is…?
Improving strongly 3% Improving somewhat 32% The same – no change 35% Getting somewhat worse 27% Getting much worse 3%
Do you generally think of yourself as a…:
Democrat 51% Independent 27% Republican 17% Other (Please specify) 6%