Peruvians Face a Difficult Choice: A Distressed Politician from the Past or an Unqualified Man of the Future
García remains in the lead despite the abysmal reputation he acquired for the massive inflation that his policies prompted during his presidency between 1985 and 1990, and the humiliating circumstance of his having to flee the country after criminal charges (which were later dropped) had been lodged against him. Normally, it would be somewhat difficult for Humala to pose a threat to the status quo, given that he was an untested outsider with some outlandish aspects to his family background. But Humala's task has been made even more difficult because his populist rhetoric has helped make García look good to a business sector that would normally abhor him. Thus, Humala will be ill-prepared to ward off a final victorious electoral surge by García and his newfound political allies, many of whom had excoriated his previous government. Although García barely came in second place in the first round of the elections, he has since consolidated his forces and is in a strong position to take the second round on June 4.
Colin Brace