[lbo-talk] One-state and two-state strategies

Marvin Gandall marvgandall at videotron.ca
Thu Jun 8 09:33:57 PDT 2006

Yoshie wrote:

> ...what we have is Israel from the river to the sea; and
> Palestinians should develop a strategy based on this fact: pursue one
> man, one vote in the already existing one state.
> But Palestinians, always fractious, have never been good at developing
> and sticking to one message.
================================ There was a small but growing current of thought within Palestine a couple of years ago along the lines you suggest: abandon the idea of an "independent" Palestinian state as a chimera, accept the reality of a Greater Israel, mount an "anti-apartheid" struggle for citizenship rights and transform it into a secular, democratic binational state. Who wouldn't want that?

Well, the Zionists obviously. This potential demographic and democratic threat is why Sharon and Olmert decided to retreat from the thinly-populated settlements in Gaza and the West Bank and to fortify and thicken the larger settlements along Israel's new and expanded de facto border.

How do Palestinians fight for "one person, one vote" in a state from which they are physically excluded by a wall?

That's why I don't think you hear much talk anymore from the Palestine side about adopting a "South African strategy", or do you?

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