Poof. After the Tea Pot Dome Scandal we had Coolidge, Hoover, and the cntinued breaking of unions.
After the Watergate scandal we had Carter with the beginning of deregulation
the sponsoring of mass murder in East Timor, his virtual signing of the death warrant for Archbishop Romero and the consequent slaughters in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. And that was only for starters. Then we had the triggering of chaos in Afghanistan and
admission of the murderous Shah to the U.S. With the subsequent hostage crisis.
Who cares whether one criminal (Rove) gets caught or doesn't get caught for his role in exposing another criminal (Plame). (C.I.A. Officers are criminals by definition.)
Government scandals are about as politically relevant and less interesting as the stuff Doug forwards from Page Six.
Yeah, yeah, so noted...but considering the inflated expectations of most of the liberal blogosphere, it's still quite a downer.
[Quote from Bitch | Lab]
You have been reading my blog! that's why I've been calling it the unscandal'. Heh
And which part of that kick-ass blog would that be located at, Miz B???
[Quote from Dennis Perron]
As have I, going back to Oct.
Duly noted and bookmarked.
My own personal take on the matter:
http://ajk-sdchron-sexposleftist.blogspot Com/2006/06/breaking-news-rove-beats-rap-liberals.HTML