[lbo-talk] Analysis of Peru-US FTA

Ira Glazer ira at yanua.com
Fri Jun 16 08:27:44 PDT 2006

The link below is to an analysis of the Peru-US FTA undertaken by LATN (The Latin American Network for Trade Policy) and CISEPA (The Center for Sociological, Economic, Political, and Anthropological Studies) of the Catholic Unveristy of Peru.


The analysis looks at the impact of the treaty on the agricultural sector, intellectual property, investments, services, government procurement, and the environment.

As with the the analysis of the FTA by the Peruvian Ministry of Health that I linked to in a prior post, I'd be happy to translate sections of the report (since the original is in Spanish). (However, since the full report is more than a 100 pages, I don't have time to translate the whole thing.)


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