Spooks (Was Re: [lbo-talk] Alex Cockburn going the Hitchens way?)

Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 20 07:26:33 PDT 2006

>From: andie nachgeborenen <andie_nachgeborenen at yahoo.com>
>You have no idea what you are talking about. The
>analysts in particular are people who just care about
>the country, given their lights, and try to given
>accurate and honest information ...

Somewhat anomalously for a corporate lawyer, you are touchingly naive. This isn't a lodestone for idealists -- such as the Peace Corps -- that we're talking about. This is the CIA, a magnet for sly, secretive sorts who enjoy playing evil games. Wake up and smell the intrigue, counsellor.


> > Be they dullards or comic book heroes, people who
> > who want to be spies
> > axiomatically have a tenuous and malign grasp of
> > reality. They aren't
> > scholars interesting in amassing knowledge about
> > different peoples that
> > bridges cultural gaps in any productive way. They
> > are people eager to
> > weaponize information and advance imperial causes.
> > Since they spend their
> > entire lives in disguise, it's not at all surprising
> > that they come across
> > as "mostly pleasant" -- that's what being a
> > psychopath is all about. They
> > are the devil's henchmen.
> >
> > Carl

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