Ward Churchill is VERY small potatoes compared to this level of dishonesty.
Another left academic recently given the shaft was anthropologist David Graeber of Yale. Not fired, his position was simply not renewed -- after he'd become active in supporting Yale's GESO grad student union. Graeber was an IWW member and key organizer of many anti-globo protests. Counterpunch interviewed him about it here: http://counterpunch.org/frank05132005.html
Aaron Shuman wrote: "I haven't followed Feith too closely, but if he cooked pre-war intelligence on Iraq, that bias alone is reason for academia not to touch him--and the charges against Churchill pale in comparison. Instead, Feith's been sitting at Stanford and Harvard, while the Pentagon's inspector general conducts an investigation. How come there's been so much press about the Churchill investigation, and comparably none about the Pentagon IG into Feith's office?