What's the child mortality rate in Saudi Arabia? Anybody know?
"Shak El" <from_alamut at yahoo.com>:
I remember reading a book on polgamy and the early Mormons in the 19th century whose thesis was that fopr woman Polygamy was a more pleasant lifestyle than monogamy. The main reason was that in monogamy a female usually was preganent at least every other year, had huge families, and frequently died during child birthing. Poligamous woman had fewer children usually 2-3, had other women to help in household choirs and had fewer deaths due to child birth.
Poligamy in warfare socieities is often a way to deal with the problem of widows and ophans. If males are dying in huge numbers, then surviving males pick up the marriage slack.
Jim Davis Ozark Bioregion, USA http://anarchistozarks.blogspot.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/left_n_Springfield/ http://people.lulu.com/users/index.php?fHomepage=141735
Nu, zayats, pogodi!
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