> A change in labor law in France (population: 60 million) ->
> 1.5 million in the streets
> <http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/unef190306.html>
> The Iraq War, torture, indefinite detention, illegal wiretapping,
> threatened sanctions on Iran, health care costs out of control,
> pensions melting down, house princes beginning to deflate, etc., etc.
> "1,200 or so" in NYC (population: 8 million)
> <http://select.nytimes.com/gst/tsc.html?URI=http://select.nytimes.com/
> 2006/03/21/nyregion/21nyc.html>
> What is wrong with this picture?
What's more, some 100,000 (with presumably a lot of immigrants) are supposed to have shown up in Chicago to protest the new immigrant bill. The exception that proofs the rule.
-- Andy