^^^^^ CB: Thanks. I didn't know that.
To play devil's advocate, why doesn't he admit that the Communists did a
good thing in making the USSR, making it a powerful modern nation , etc ?
Surely he knows Czars had the "Prisonhouse of Nations", so he should be
able to forgive the Commies the GULAG , since they did so much for the
nation. The Communists made Russia more powerful than the Czars did. Fess
up, Solzenhenitsyn. Communists made Russia a world power, unlike feudalists
So, what did Solzenhenitsyn want to do , turn the non-Russian Soviet nations back into colonies ? He's not a Uzbekistanian nationalist , is he ?
Sakharov wasn't a chauvinist nationalist like Sol. , was he ?
Gorbachev didn't support breaking up the USSR , did he ? Of course, Gorbachev supported "more democracy, more socialism", and I understand Solzenhenitsyn is not pro-democracy.