>info at pulpculture.org wrote:
> >
> > When sonshine's friend and new GF had an accident recently,
> > we helped them call around about Plan B. For one thing,
> > neither of these kids even knew about it. *sigh*
>Fucking Hell. I wonder if my daughter knows about it? She seems to
>know everything, but you never know.
A cooperative clinic or gyn will write a scrip in advance so you can have some in your medicine cabinet if needed. Highly recommended if condoms are plan A. (Of course you have to find a pharmacy that stocks it. In Fla., Walgreens has been a good bet.) Also, many commonly-used birth control pills can be taken as a morning-after pill. There's a chart of which ones and how many you take at www.not-2-late.com. On the political side, the Morning After Pill Conspiracy has a national 'give a friend the morning-after pill' pledge where we break the prescription requirement publicly (and fax our intent to do so to the FDA). That's at www.mapconspiracy.org
Jenny Brown MAP conspirator