[lbo-talk] Scientism, or Science? Edge Takes On ID

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Fri May 12 10:02:25 PDT 2006

Edge.org's editor writes:

Just as I was about to send out this edition of Edge announcing the publication of Intelligent Thought: Science Versus The Intelligent Design Movement, I received the email below which it a stark reminder of why this book is necessary, why it belongs on your bookshelf, and why sixteen of the world's leading scientists (and Edge contributors) dropped everything to write essays on a crash schedule so the book would be published before the end of the school year.

Maulik Parikh is a post-doc in the Physics Department of Columbia University. He is leaving the U.S. to teach physics at a university in India.

— JB

Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 From: Maulik Parikh To: John Brockman Subject: Intelligent Design


I have been teaching a new course on the frontiers of science, required for all freshmen at Columbia. These students are mostly sharp, capable, and open-minded. Still, many of them think that intelligent design should be studied in the interest of being fair and balanced. What's troubling is that even those who accept evolution often treat it as a matter of belief, of political persuasion, as if it were akin to being for or against free trade. And if they reject intelligence design it's often not because they can see its vacuousness as a scientific theory, but merely because the religious and conservative stripes of ID can sometimes look a little uncool. As for science, reason, evidence -- what's that?



Full at Edge.org


Amazon.com link to "Intelligent Thought" -




--------- Folks, if you're like me, you're constantly running from Mexican bandits who're after that diamond you got hidden somewhere on your body.



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