[lbo-talk] more baking our own bread and circuses

info at pulpculture.org info at pulpculture.org
Sat May 13 16:56:23 PDT 2006

from user generated content (blogs) to consumer generated products and advertisements:

from http://www.trendwatching.com/briefing/

--------- And from a business and innovation angle, we'd like to argue that the CUSTOMER-MADE trend, co-creating with your customers, is the most important one [trend] to watch. Not because everything has to or will be co-created in the future, but because tapping into the collective experiences, skills and ingenuity of hundreds of millions of consumers around the world is a complete departure from the inward looking, producer- versus-consumer innovation model so common to corporations around the world...

CUSTOMER-MADE: "The phenomenon of corporations creating goods, services and experiences in close cooperation with experienced and creative consumers, tapping into their intellectual capital, and in exchange giving them a direct say in (and rewarding them for) what actually gets produced, manufactured, developed, designed, serviced, or processed." -----------

An Agency's Worst Nightmare: Ads Created by Users By JULIE BOSMAN, New York Times Published: May 11, 2006

IT all happens in 24 seconds. Like a souped-up Transformer robot, a silver Sony stereo rapidly deconstructs, then reassembles into the shape of a flat-screen television. The television then converts into a DVD player. The DVD player to digital camera. The camera to portable PlayStation.

The animated spot is the latest television commercial for Sony Electronics, but its creator is not a technology wizard at either of Sony's two advertising agencies. The commercial is the work of Tyson Ibele, a 19-year-old from Minneapolis who won a contest on the cable network Current TV for its first viewer-created ad message; it will run for the first time today.

User-generated content, best known for fueling the popularity of Web sites like YouTube and MySpace, is rapidly taking hold in advertising. Dozens of entries were submitted for the Current contest, and Mr. Ibele's commercial will run for one to two months on the network. In the coming weeks, more user-generated ads for companies like L'Oréal and Toyota will follow the Sony commercial.

<http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/11/business/media/11adco.html? ex=1305000000&en=0488b91d695a5873&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss>

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