>It's really stupid that there is this either-or dichotomy in leftist
>thinking about Chavez. It's either you support and celebrate Chavez
>or you are an opponent who is in league with the American
That's not my position. Chavez is far from perfect, but he's a really good try, and I hope it works out. But he's not a saint.
>How about other positions, including my anarchist position and
>positions held by Venezuelans, many of whom hate American
>interference but feel indifferent about Chavez. Sometimes I get the
>feeling that American leftists are bigger supporters of Chavez than
>actual Venezuelans who voted for him.
By most accounts he's quite popular with Venezuelans - and, as the NYT's anti-Chavez article from this morning had to concede, a lot of poor people across Latin America.