You are comparing apples and oranges, i.e., immigrants and refugees. International law recognizes the right of refugees to return home or get compensated, but would-be immigrants, to Canada, Israel, or anywhere else, do not have the right to enter and stay in their destinations.
Canadian laws about asylum, immigration, etc. will get worse under Harper: <>. But, proportionally, Canada accepts more immigrants than any other country except Australia, and a majority of immigrants who come to Canada are now non-white:
<blockquote>Over the last century, immigration has played a major role in Canada's ethnic and cultural composition. Between 1901 and 2001, Canada has welcomed more than 13.4 million immigrants. In 2001, Canada ranked second in the world after Australia on the proportion of population born outside the country. According to Australia's 2001 Census, 22.0 per cent of its population was foreign-born, compared with 18.0 per cent for Canada (5.4 million people). In contrast, only 11.0 per cent of the population of the U.S. was foreign-born in 2000.
Half a century ago, a vast majority of the immigrants coming to Canada were from European countries such as the United Kingdom or Germany, a trend that has significantly shifted in recent years as newcomers now tend to be from Asian countries. Of the 1.8 million immigrants who arrived between 1991 and 2001, 58.0 per cent came from Asia (including the Middle East), 20.0 per cent from Europe, 11.0 per cent from the Caribbean, Central, and South America, 8.0 per cent from Africa, and 3.0 per cent from the U.S. (Statistics Canada, 2001 Census) <>
-- Yoshie <> <> <>