[lbo-talk] Re: Biology and Society

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Wed May 31 17:17:37 PDT 2006

It seems there is always confusion when an attempt is made to derive real propositions from tautological premises. Humans are animals. That is either tautological or incoherent. Any affirmationf _or_ denial of it is going to lead to more confusion. Humans are biological is simply awkward English. Humans are biological creatures brings in a creator. Humans are biological agents. Gee Whiz! That can't make any sense because its contrary can't make any sense.

Possibly there are no propositions of the form "Humans are X" that are both coherent and non-tautological. At least I've never come across a coherent discussion in which participants try to draw concrete conclusions starting out with universal propositions about humans.


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