[lbo-talk] Aren't There Any Hets Left?

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Fri Nov 3 09:44:27 PST 2006


> http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/11/03/haggard.allegations/index.html

I've said this before, and it seems to get truer all the time: it's as if it's a condition of possibility for being a high-profile fundie that you have a secret life.

[WS:] Is it not what the Freudians called "reaction formation?" Your id desires something but your super ego says it is morally wrong, so you form a reaction that satisfies both the id and the super-ego: hostile fixation with the object of you desires. This way, you can have it both ways. You are au currant with the conventional morality, better yet, you appear to be a staunch and valiant defender of it. At the same time you are in a close proximity to the dark sphere of your id desires.


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