Since Travis and others thought an electronic publication would be a good (only?) option, I tentatively created a sandbox:
Those interested can use this as a testbed for trying their hand at organising such a publication, figuring out the usage issues, etc. In order to contribute you need to visit and sign up as a user (plain user only, not blog... unless you want your own blog). Then let me know your WordPress ID and I will add it to the user list as a contributor. I have currently setup no categories or links. Please send me suggestions/requirements, or I will promote your user ID to administrator (or equiv) and you can add such things yourself. Note that this is a blogging platform and therefore might have limitations on the sort of things you can do. We are not tied to a blog platform, so do take note of such limitations.
Do not put any real content (i.e., something that you actually spent time and effort writing) since if the experiment is successful you/we may choose to move the site elsewhere. Also, I have not listed the blog in the WP directory, etc.
Ping me if you have any questions. You can reach me (email of course ;-)) or using the same ID as my email on Google Chat.