Well, I'm over limit so I'll keep this short and we can continue tomorrow if you'd like.
But what I meant was why did the reviewer feel the need to prattle on about Dylan back in the mid-60s, and compare something written in 2005 in protest to Bush, to a Hard Rain's Gonna Fall written in what - 1963???
I get all the 60s nostalgia but only up to the point where it involves cutting up something contemporary because it isn't as good as Dylan or whatever icon of the 60s is apropos.
And Dylan as icon is just annoying, has he done anything recently to deserve mention? At least Neil Young is still rocking and telling the man to fuck off in his old age. :) The point was here is an artist - Conor Oberst - who uses his national tv appearance to protest Bush instead of pimping a song from his latest album(s). Oh, but he's no Dylan? Who cares! At Bright Eyes concerts the teenagers and 20 somethings are getting excited to scream along to a song telling Bush to fuck off, and that's a good thing.
I'm a geezer at those concerts being 33 but they are a hell of a lot more fun than going to see Dylan (and I saw him last in 1995). It would be a buzz kill to tell the kids having a blast that Oberst is just trying to be Dylan. Or worse, he's NO Dylan.
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That to live by one man's will became the cause of all men's misery.
-Richard Hooker