> [Sanders is] in Vermont, a haven for hippies. When I visit my mother in
> Brattleboro, you'll nearly always see someone on the green in the town
> square -- litereally -- on a soapbox.
And even so, he's a fake, if you ask me -- all sickle and no hammer, or something.
I must say, anent Brattleboro, that I've spent a lot of time there and never saw anybody on a soapbox, literally or metaphorically. Perhaps I was there at the wrong time. Is it like the migration of the monarch butterflies, or the emergence of the cicadas, or foliage season?
But that's southern Vermont, anyway. You've got to keep driving and driving if you want to see the real old hippies -- up to Glover, say.
The old Vermont hippies I know are pretty bummed about Bernie, btw. Some of them had high hopes for him back in his Burlington days, but they've written him off as a completely conventional politician since then.
-- --Michael J. Smith --mjs at smithbowen.net