Global warming is one example. Gallup and Harris tend to show U.S. majorities accepting that global warming is human caused, and and a serious problem we should take action against. Pew tends to show that U.S. majorities are skeptical that global warming is human caused, and a serious problem we should take action against. The Pew result not only contradicts Gallup and Harris; it contradicts itself. But on the other hand that kind of self-contradictory opinion holding is not exactly unknown - but I'd like to figure out how to weight this. Global warming is not the only issue I've seen this happen on, but it is of special interest to me.
Here are some recent polls on the subject:
You will notice that they all show people recognizing the problem as a serious one. The Gallup poll (the only one that asked the question) show 58% recognizing it as human caused. I can show you other data going back to show that this is a long time trend.
Gallup and Harris both ask about it annually.
Pew also investigates the same question regularly
Their July survey showed that about 4 in 10 people believe global warming ins human caused.
Again this seems to generally be the results Pew gets on this issue.
So when it is Pew vs. everybody else, who do you believe?