This, it is worth noting, is just a variant of the typical white liberal response to anything which advances a truly oppressed minority. How to pay genuflections to equality while hanging onto my privileges. Support public school integration, but send the children to private schools - nothing to do with racism you understand, its quality, my child's special needs, Montessori blah blah ... etc. This is the paranoid Jewish version: how to preserve a racist settler state and somehow get the oppressed to accept it with equanimity. There's nothing quite so stomach-churning as watching a liberal wrestle with her conscience - and lose.
--- Michael Pugliese <michael.098762001 at> wrote:
> --
> Michael Pugliese
> ___________________________________
"To the socialist it is not the horrors of war that are the hardest to endure ... but the horrors of the treachery shown by the leaders of present-day socialism" - Lenin
"When the train of history goes round a bend, all the intellectuals fall off" - Marx
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