[lbo-talk] defining terms (was RE: trash talking the lumpenproletariat)

Jim Farmelant farmelantj at juno.com
Sun Nov 12 17:23:06 PST 2006

On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:22:47 +1100 Bill Bartlett <billbartlett at aapt.net.au> writes:

> The reason most people are in that situation is no accident, the
> welfare system is designed to ensure that it will happen. Quite
> simply welfare systems are always designed so that you are forced to
> cheat them to survive. For example, it has never been practical for
> people on the dole to honestly declare income earned from casual
> work, the effective taxation and welfare reductions rages from 50%
> at
> very low rates of income, up to 75%, 85% and even 100%. In some
> cases, even more.
> People may be "reactive", but even the dopiest welfare recipient
> quickly learns that honesty is penalised very severely. The sensible
> thing is not to take such work, but of course welfare benefits are
> so
> low that this is only possible for people with the most highly
> developed financial management skills.
> The obvious and usual option is to take the work, pocket the money
> and keep your mouth shut. Which of course is the intended outcome.
> This suits the employers, who can take advantage by ignoring legal
> minimum wage regulations without any fear of legal reprisals and it
> also makes it easier to police the people on welfare. Who of course
> are now criminalised by the system and thus not in any position to
> enforce their legal rights. The criminal penalties are incredibly
> severe, many people are sent to jail for these minor offenses.
> Mission accomplished. If you understand what the mission of the
> welfare system is - to keep the poor under control and facilitate
> their exploitation as a source of very cheap labour. That's what the
> welfare system is and that's what its always been. Its the cutting
> edge of the class war.

A point that was made very effectively in that classic 1970s work on welfare, *Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare*, by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward. www.amazon.com/Regulating-Poor-Functions-Public-Welfare/dp/0679745165

> Bill Bartlett
> Bracknell Tas

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