The Persian Online Dictionary (URL: <>) has three terms for "homosexual":
داراي احساسات جنسي نسبت به جنس موافق (مثل اينكه مرد بامرد ويا زن بازن دفع شهوت نمايد)
مايل به جنس خود
همجنس باز
The last [hamjens baaz] appears to me to be the most common of the three.
"Pederasty" in is
بچه بازي
"Sodomy" is
Note that the dictionary entries for both pederasty and sodomy refer to lavat. Lavat is an expansive term, much like sodomy in premodern times was an expansive term (and still is in many contexts). Lavat, like sodomy, may or may not be consensual, may or may not be between two adults.
There is another term for "homosexual" that has yet to be included in, and that's "همجنس گرا" [hamjens garaa]. What's the difference between "همجنس گرا" and "همجنس باز"? The latter can include situational homosexuality (e.g., a man who is usually more inclined toward straight sex having sex with a boy or another man in some contexts), whereas the former suggests an idea of homosexual orientation.
-- Yoshie <> <> <>