McCain has also seen actual combat, and supports troop increases in Iraq. Sorry, but for me "I'VE ACTUALLY *SEEN* COMBAT, DAMN YOU!" no longer impresses me w/ regards to a war-related policy position. It never should have, nor should it anyone. Just more valorization of the hairy-chested, tied to unhealthy and cowardly respect for militarism and the death-dealing power of authoritarian armed services. One of "Bertrand Russell's Ten Commandments for BEGINNING Philosophers" said "Never rely on appeals to authority [in this case, Rangel's authority on war since he's seen it], for an opposing authority can always be found. [McCain]" (To which someone asked, "Well, what about us seasoned philosophers?" Yeah, what about ya'll? This stuff was beginners.)
Julio further quoted the article:
> Rangel announced on Sunday that he wants to
reinstate the draft. He
> said the same thing a few years ago but quickly let
on that he wasn't
> serious. He's playing it straight this time and has
already introduced
> a bill. Local New York TV news has given Rangel
saturation coverage.
Strategic or not, I don't support the state proposing forced conscription, whether it's to get folks "to see a point about war" or not. Abraham Lincoln said that anyone who supported slavery ought to be the first to offer themselves as slaves. I think the same with war in Iraq or anywhere else. The cheerleaders should be the first to go. Later on, the article Julio posted does mention something like that.