If political Islam succeeds, there will be tragic, pre-capitalist levels of injustice and repression. Is there a single counter-example? Is ***IRAN*** meant to be some sort of counter-example? Yoshie seems to be hinting that she thinks it is.
Do I REALLY have to post the pictures of the two Iranian BOYS weeping as they are about to be hanged for kissing each other? Really?
People search, rightly, for an answer - a protest - to capitalism, particularly those who hate capitalism because it will not even deign to oppress them, but leaves them instead to live and die like animals, ostracized, un-persons. And many, many of them have found bad answers. Islamism is just a REALLY bad answer - not so bad as the worst excesses of Stalinism or "National Socialism" - but very bad.
Look, Karl Marx made it PERFECTLY CLEAR, capitalism is a fantastic, wonderful system compared with the feudal nightmare that preceded it. It's also immoral, violent and systematically cruel and thus we have an obligation to revolutionize it. But not everyone who calls themselves "revolutionary" deserves our reflexive support. The reactionaries who mislead working people are destructive and political Islam is a movement of reactionaries - or at the very least a reactionary movement.
Let's end this absurdity. The American-Israeli Neo-Conservative, Neo-religious Strategy of Chaos is horrifying. Of course we want people to oppose it. But a lot of the people who DO oppose it are barbarians, unworthy of support. Stop the knee-jerk craziness.