Dylan Wants to be a Candy Queen of the World
Dylan Lauren is a sweet girl with even sweeter tooth and often ridiculously unfortunate fashion sense. She's however a respected entrepreneur who patiently fulfills her press obligations to promote her burgeoning candy empire. This current chat is actually a great one brought to you exclusively by LX.TV, a comprehensive website targeted towards young snobs and those wish to become them. We truly love the site as it's a great resource for illiterate aspiring socialites who prefer to watch their restaurant and event news on Web television, rather than spending their precious time typing. Below are the links for Dylan's three-part interview and the highlight quotes for those afflicted souls without a decent internet connection.
Part 1: On the legacy Dylan's Candy Bar
"Candy to us is like diamonds to Tiffany's." (Dylan, that's all good and stuff but we do visit frequently and some merchandise has been rotting on shelves for years now. Clean those "diamonds" up!)
"I want to create this fantastical world where you step off the city streets and you go into Dylan's Candy Bar and feel like you're transported."
"What's great about working with my dad and my family is that he has great vision and I think he has always thought outside the box too."
Part 2: Growing up Lauren "After September 11th, people came here as sort of a respite...[they said] 'wow this place makes me so happy...' I like to see people happy and excited about something they've created and I just want to spread that."
[people say] "why don't you go into business with your dad? It's so easy..but that's not my passion, it wouldn't be fulfilling...I was more stubborn, I'm going to do my own thing."
On the cons of her last name: [the perception is that] "she doesn't really work...or she's a snob and wears a lot of nice clothes from her father."
"I want to own a candy empire and be the candy queen."
Part 3: Interview with SuChin Pak, in which Dylan provides with few memorable quotes: "I'm Jewish and I'm really into Astrology." ( She's Taurus, we hear for those keeping the witch books)
The last time she had a really good cry: "The death of a pet and yeah, I'd say people too, funerals are tough...I'm pretty positive minded. We had a dog that died and that was really hard to put him to sleep."