> GPO's interest in Hitler was not unique. British punks often
> incorporated swastika imagery and Malcolm McLaren's Sex boutique sold
> Nazi symbols side-by-side with S/M and fetish gear. More than just a
> cheap shock, the swastika deliberately mocked the ideals of the 1960s,
> the era of long hair, free love, and flower power.
I thought that was all so very post-modern, similar to Joy Division's choice in a name from _House of Dolls_.
And as to if PTV is worth $10, I concur with the poster who wrote they are worth more than that. Well "were"; I have no idea what the new incarnation will be like live, but I'd pay it.
And Chris, if psychedelics are in any way your thing, take along a fistfull if you can.
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There are only two kinds of artists: the plagiarists and the revolutionaries.
-Paul Gauguin