Mark Rickling wrote:
> On 10/10/06, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at> wrote:
> > We live in a country with a deep-seated
> > competitive, individualist culture. It is not fertile ground for
> > collectivist movements.
Doug, you are flipping out. This sort of endless tautological insistence on the terrible problems we face simply begins to crowd out any thought or action designed to resolve those problems. I'm pretty pessimistic about the probability of human survival or the achievement of socialism (the two are synonymous) -- but you are turning into a Richard II: Let us sit upon the ground and tell sad stories of the death of kings.
> What was individualist about the subtreasury system? What was
> individualist about the call for government ownership of the means of
> communication and transportation? In other words, what was
> individualist about the historical Populist movement?
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