[lbo-talk] Radio Schizo 29: DIY punk/rock from Iran, Jordan, Russia, France, Holland, more

B. docile_body at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 5 10:31:20 PDT 2006

Scott McLemee likes Radio Schizo (http://www.mclemee.com/id4.html - scroll down to Aug. 31), so why don't you?



Radio Schizo Week of September 3, 3006 playlist

1. 88 FINGERS LOUIE - "New Direction (Gorilla Biscuits)" & "Ritter" (USA) 2. MERRIMACK - "Redeem Restless Souls" (2006, FRANCE) 3. MUNICIPAL WASTE - "Nailed Casket" (2005, USA) 3. SLEEPING BODY - "Home is Foreign" (1992, Dallas, TX, USA)

4. KUOLLEET KUKAT - "Suuri Virhe" (1985, FINLAND) 5. FUNERAL ORATION - "I Fall Harder" (1995, NETHERLANDS) 6. TETSU AREI - "Burning Spirits" (JAPAN) 7. GEORGE HARRISON - "Undead Ninja Thrashers Are Fucking Go!" (2005, RUSSIA) 8. AJDATH - "Reign of Serpents" (2005, JORDAN) 9. FAT RATS - "Joe Ordinaries" (IRAN)

10. WORLD BURNS TO DEATH - "Glorious Butcheries" & "Sucking of the Missile Cock" (2002, USA) 11. JERRY'S KIDS - "Build Me a Bomb" (1983, USA) 12. JAY REATARD - "It's So Useless" (2006, USA) 13. BOMBENALARM - "First Class Sheep, Secondhand Dogs" (2005, Germany)

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