#!/usr/bin/perl # # !!!! THERE ARE MUCH BETTER WAYS TO DO THIS !!!! # !!!! untested !!!! # !!!! needs filelocking on quota file !!!!! # !!!! perhaps could avoid lock if we append to the file !!!! # !!!! from: checking for email address needs more accuracy !!!! # !!!! isn't RFC822 (and friends) compliant (ignores Reply-To: etc) !!!! # !!!! assumes sendmail (or equiv) -- see below !!!! #
use strict; use Data::Dumper;
#-- configurable stuff ----------------------------------------------- $::quotafile = "/var/mailman/quota.txt"; $::adminaddress = 'jmhayes at speakeasy.NOT'; $::sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"; # use postfix/qmail? @::special = ('dhenwood at panix.com', 'gadfly at exitleft.org'); # ;-) $::listname = "lbo-talk"; $::limit = 3; #-- end configurable stuff --------------------------------------------
&main(); exit(0);
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub main {
my($filedate, %usage);
($filedate, %usage) = &get_usage();
my $accept = 0;
my @ltime = localtime(time);
my $today = join(":", splice(@ltime, 3, 3));
%usage = () if( $filedate ne $today );
my $hdrs = "";
my $msg = "";
my $from = "";
my $line = "";
while( ($line = <STDIN>) !~ /^$/ )
# TODO: need to handle other formats of From: here
$hdrs .= $line;
$from ||= $1 if( $line =~ /^From: [^\<]*\<(\S+\@\S+\.\S+)\>/ );
$msg .= join("", <STDIN>);
( $from ne "" )
|| &exiterror("No legitimate From: header! Headers:\n$hdrs\n");
$usage{$from} ||= 0;
if( grep(/$from/, @::special) || ($usage{$from} < $::limit) )
print STDOUT "$hdrs\n$msg";
&return_msg($from, $msg);
# TODO: avoid costly/useless write for overquota users by saving
# newdate separately
&save_usage($today, %usage); }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub get_usage {
my $date = "";
my %usage = ();
if( open(USAGE, $::quotafile) )
chomp( $date = <USAGE> );
while( chomp(my $line = <USAGE>) )
( $line =~ /^(\S+) (\d+)$/ )
|| &exiterror("Invalid line in $::quotafile:\n$line\n");
$usage{$1} = $2;
return($date, %usage); }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub save_usage {
my $date = shift;
my %usage = @_;
open(USAGE, "> $::quotafile")
|| &exiterror("Could not write to $::quotafile: $!\n");
print USAGE "$date\n";
map { print USAGE "$_ $usage{$_}\n"; } keys(%usage);
close(USAGE); }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub return_msg {
my $user = shift;
my $msg = shift;
open(MAIL, "| $::sendmail")
|| &exiterror("Failed to pipe to $::sendmail: $!\n");
print MAIL "From: $::adminaddress\n";
print MAIL "To: $user\n";
print MAIL "Subject: Sorry, you are over quota on $::listname\n\n";
print MAIL "
We are sorry but your message below is being returned since you
are over limit ($::limit) for today. Please post again tomorrow!
print MAIL "\n$msg\n";
|| &exiterror("Failed to pipe to $::sendmail: $!\n"); }
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub exiterror {
my $msg = shift;
print STDERR $msg;
exit(1); }
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