[lbo-talk] The Partners of Allah and Imperialism

EverYoung Global Intellectual Enterprises uttarbahini at enet.com.np
Mon Sep 25 09:27:49 PDT 2006

Tribal way of tackling the problems:

Tribal way of solving the problems, on account of its corresponding means and mode of production and reproduction of life-animal rearing, rudimentary agriculture, unsophisticated tools, etc.-and productive relations-and superstructure-serfs and shepherds to the tribal chiefs and warlords address their problems in accordance with their own cosmos of reality. Under this set-up pre-tribal organisation of the society, ideals and notions, etc., recede and gallop towards their doom.

Warlord or Chieftain of a small area is the ultimate authority upon land, cattle and people. They attack and kill their enemies as they would kill a bear that comes to steal animals from their flock. Dog is the most trusted animal, and donkey, horse or camel their vehicle. They use their bombs and guns as they would use their swords and spears. Such, for example, has been the fight of Afghanis against the ex-USSR forces. And just as the tribal of Afghanistan were seduced into believing that they were fighting for themselves and not for the glory of USA and complete ruin of themselves, similar is the case with the people of the tribal mentality and approach in Kashmir, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and elsewhere.

Tribalism and its ideals, notions and culture are destined to be doomed. When they fight for themselves, they are forced to meet their extinction as in America, Australia, etc.; when they fight for their feudal or imperialist 'friends' or fiends, they are doomed again, as in Afghanistan.

Feudal Approach:

On account of its comparatively dependable and widespread agriculture, floriculture, animal rearing, art, architecture, craft, trade, etc., feudalism sees the end of armed conflicts between the various warlords. Their position is taken by a King. Tribal organisation of the society becomes recessive and heading towards its death.

The warlords attain key positions as governors or courtiers, etc.

There is a royal army whose soldiers are drawn from some of the sections of the kingdom. By the very nature of the means and mode of production and reproduction of life and the corresponding productive relations and superstructure, the questions of birth, survival, death, conduct as well as the full culture depend largely upon Allah. He can send the unforeseen calamities like pestilence, diseases, hailstorms, frost, snowstorm and famines upon any country and eliminate as many people there as He wills. Human endeavour and production is seasonal, limited to a few hours of the day and dependant on fine weather. The production is unpredictable. The priest or bishop or mullah or lama is the most important person in the community. The king has of necessity to either be the God Himself-if the religion permits that notion-or His representative, or the commander or faithful servant of papacy of the prevalent religion. Carts, bullock carts, etc., are the means of transport; and number of cows, buffalos, yaks, sheep, goats, horses, camels, elephants, that a person or family possesses, signify the affluence and social prestige of the person or family. Dogs lose a great deal of their importance but the gatekeeper, butler, police-man and judge share much of that function.

Allah is the all in all. It is He Whose caprices reign supreme. Acquisition of riches or poverty, helplessness or power... all depend upon His Sweet Will. Ignorance and illiteracy are culturally necessary and praiseworthy, for the mullah and the king are frightened of the prospect of peoples getting educated. They are the avowed enemies of education therefore, and they argue that nobody will do the menial and dirty jobs if everyone gets educated... It is owing to this reason that thousands of school-buildings (and not even a single court of law or office holding the record of property) were set on fire in the very beginning of the growth of the Kashmir Crisis in 1989 AD, when militancy gained the upper-hand.

Feudalists hide their worldly undertakings and interests behind the cover of religion. They settle issues through the medium of communalism. Thus the First War of Indian 'independence' in 1957 AD started with a religious sentiment, the whole set of happenings since then are communally based, a fake Hindu garb was invented in the shape of Gandhian nonsense, Hindustan was divided on the communal lines, elections produce results on the basis of religious, caste and regional affiliations, and so forth. In short feudalism is an

ocean of uncertainty in every sense of the word and the trust in Allah is the spiritual power to fulfill ones material interests and desires.

Capitalist Approach:

In contrast to all the previous epochs of history, capitalism is the first system that is sure of its production and reproduction of 'life' or death. All the animals-cows, buffalos, yaks, sheep, goats, horses, camels, elephants, etc.-gradually lose their importance. They are herded together in thousands in different farms, with none having a personal care or name. A number is affixed to each animal in stead. Trees are also similarly numbered. The lost importance of the animals is assumed by the clerk, the professor, the peon, the politician... and the whole petit bourgeoisie class. The importance of dog in the tribal organisation is taken by the manager in the capitalist system.

Capitalism reduces agriculture into a petty activity. And its agricultural production can no more be dependant on pestilence, diseases, rain, hailstorm, etc.; it has invented cure for them. Famine, if it occurs in any part of the advanced capitalist world, can hardly produce any disastrous results, for the deficit can be made good by the production from any other part of the world. The case with the backward pockets of the world is quite different, however.

Capitalism brings in a gigantic apparatus of industry into action that can work twenty-four hours a day and twelve months a year. Its yield per year is predictable and well calculated. It floods the world with its production and draws the raw-material from all over the world.

It herds together people in hundreds of thousands, as animals, in its cities.

Earth no more remains the centre of the Universe, nor does the universe remain so limited. Human being falls down completely from all divine origin, grace or care. And no savior is promised him. He is rendered into the pathetic most of all animals. If he has to live and lift himself up, he has to do it all by himself.

Gradually Allah also loses His importance. His place is taken by the jester, the clown, the sportsman and the movie-star.

Capitalism decides its issues through the medium of war between the nations, for which the only requirement is the general national consensus of the bourgeoisie class in the two warring nations. It is always on the lookout for a pretext to war, for war is a lucrative business of robbery and, hence, the highest of all trades. But it must cover its rabid bestiality some how. It does so in accordance with general level of gullibility of the people of the time. Thus, for example, were the aborigines of America, Australia, etc., wiped out from earth (and slaves traded from Africa) on the feudal/religious pretext of converting them to the Lord's Religion and thereby making them civilized and fit for their permanent domicile in the heaven. While the actual worldly interest of robbing them of their gold, valuables, etc., (and life) were hidden in the underwear.

Imperialist Approach:

Imperialism is capitalism magnified to its ultimate monstrous proportions. It is the system of extremes. On the one side it has reduced the distance between different pockets of the world by its mode of travel at supersonic speed and thus rendered the world into a global village, on the other it has created an insurmountable gulf between the people that live in the same apartment or even work in the same room. It has at once made all the people the neighbors of one another as well as the farthest strangers, and thus completely disgraced the Confucian 'golden rule' 'Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you!' (15:23), while at the same time posing itself as the most civilized and humanitarian section of the species.

Imperialism has freed man from all his bondages, commitments, piety, love, character, relations, etc., and horrified him with his own existence and 'life'. It has hurled together millions of people into its cities and thus rendered them into the pettiest of the animals. The animals in its various farms hold some value in money; man, particularly the worker, holds none. The loss of an animal is the economic loss to its owner, the loss of the worker is none-there are millions in the queue to substitute for him. Under imperialism various governments murder the people through taxes in order to generate finance for their 'social' development projects.

Imperialism has reduced the priest and the pope into its servile prostitutes. It has reduced the tribal chief, the feudal lord, etc., into its pathetic slaves.

Imperialism is the master of all cunning. It has gone far ahead of the Devil. From Dalai Lama to Usama Bin Ladin, from Kings and Sultans to the pettiest of the Stewards, from lions to the pettiest of cats, rats, and insects, imperialism knows how to use them, upon what path to place them and lead them; what facilities, benefits, grants and awards to bestow them.

Overproduction and starvation; grand buildings and houselessness; illiteracy, unemployment, frustration, maladies, mental problems... together with a boundless sea of exploration and knowledge, new frontiers of human undertaking, gigantic development in health facilities...all constitute the ingredient factors of the epoch of imperialism.

In contrast to the feudal system when illiteracy was a dire requirement for its functional importance, primary education and international language (English, etc.) have become necessary. Without the primary education a man or woman is as useless to a capitalist as a barren cow is to a feudal Brahmin.

Imperialism has produced such a power of creation that it can construct in one year what was constructed during the entire eighteenth century; and it has acquired such a power of destruction that it can efface the whole humanity and many other species within a couple of minutes.

Imperialism settles its issues through the world wars or the general consensus of the world imperialist class and its lackeys. Thus for example, for USA's invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, it was necessary that most of the countries in the world would not oppose the move to an extent that would threaten their trade and other relations with the USA. Imperialism therefore is under the fatal necessity of installing its puppet regimes in every pocket of the world, that in turn are under the fatal necessity of licking the shoes of their masters in every case, because their power depends upon the sole grace of their masters. The general public is made to believe that they are the actual king-makers.

Imperialism draws its army and 'Peace-keeping' forces from all over the world, all communities, all races, etc.

But with the exception of the epoch of savagery (when there was no need to tell any lies because no justification for fighting, murdering, and devouring one another's flesh and bones was needed-for hunger and bestiality were natural in their own right), war in every further period of history has needed a public justification. The purposes of murdering, crippling and weakening people, loot, plunder, rape, acquiring slaves, snatching territory, etc., must be hidden behind a veil of public consumption. Religious missions were earlier of the best service in this regard. Imperialism is spiritually helpless, it must hide its nakedness behind different maple leaves: American interests, human rights, democracy, civilized world, world humanity and so forth.

Imperialism allows for voicing protests, disagreements, etc.-nothing is a blasphemy to it-in its gossip shops, UNO, etc., as long as it has everything under its control and it goes on doing its usual business.

With regard to Kashmir and other issues, imperialist powers are happy about their remaining unresolved. They can make the Indian and Pakistani rulers dance to their orchestra's tune from time to time. While the lackeys of imperialism portray their full faith in the resolution of the issue through the gossip-house of UNO, etc.

Also worth mentioning here is: There is 'a part of the bourgeoisie that is desirous of redressing social grievances in order to secure the continued existence of the bourgeoisie society.

'To this section belong economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of the conditions of the working class, organizers of charity, members of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals, temperance fanatics, hole-and-corner reformers of every imaginable kind...'

'By changes in the material conditions of existence...' this section 'by no means understands abolition of the bourgeoisie relations of production, an abolition that can be effected only by a revolution, but administrative reforms, based on the continued existence of these relations; reforms, therefore, that in no respect affect relations between capital and labor, but, at the best, lessen the cost, and simplify the administrative work of bourgeoisie government.'

Petit Bourgeoisie Approach:

'...a new class of petty bourgeoisie has been formed, fluctuating between proletariat and bourgeoisie and ever renewing itself as a supplementary part of bourgeoisie society.'

As long as the individuals of this class are enjoying their jobs and social relations, everything is perfect with the world, they are the best peace-lovers and most civilized opponents of war, WTO, World Bank's

Ambitions, etc. They are non-violent people and advise everybody that we have had enough of bloodshed, there should be none further. But as soon as their selfish economic or other interests are harmed, they become the ardent supporters of war, bloodshed, savagery, etc.

They are the best people to dig the old savagery, barbarism, crimes, rapes, loots, etc., that have occurred in history, out of their graves, but are generally completely blind about the current savagery, barbarism, crimes, rapes, loots, etc.

This class has been 'educated' to dance to the tune of every type of vanity. They will die for the vanities they adore--official national vanity being one of those vanities. Thus a great number of them are born, live and die, in every country of the world, with the notion that the rulers of their particular country from time to time have been the excellence manifest and the civilized most; while all the outsiders have been savage and barbarian. Thus the petit bourgeoisie class in USA adores all that their masters did. For example, if they murdered 1,900,000 human beings in Vietnam and had 47000 of their own young men slaughtered in the process, it was all done for the humanitarian heart of all the Americans. North Vietnamese were barbarians, South Vietnamese were the cream of civilization--it was therefore quite natural to surmise the possibility that the Northerners might have slain a few hundred civilized ones in the South. To save the lives of those hundred odd angels in the South was the prime duty of USA. They had no choice therefore but to slay the 1.9 million Northern barbarians and sacrifice their own 47000 young American slaves too in the process.

Similar is their perverted reason working in every case, every country, with their firm faith in the official vanities, lies and capitalist and pre-capitalist imbecility and rotten-selfishness.

With regard to Kashmir, an enormous section of the Indian petit bourgeoisie has been encultured to uphold the notion that Kashmiri Muslims are ungrateful, treacherous, savage, etc., and worth to be slaughtered because they do not love their motherland, India.

All the categories of people discussed so far, especially the petit bourgeoisie are thoroughly ritualistic in approach and quite fanatic about their participation in their rituals. Thus there are innumerable rituals being performed in the world: The rituals of human rights, presidential and other elections, World Games, Olympics, Wrestling, Boxing, UN General Assembly Meetings, Security Council Meetings.

Working Class Approach:

Though the names of Marx, Engels and Lenin grate terribly upon the ears of most of the people, and though they have been in their respective graves for the last 123, 111 and 82 years-we have no choice but to present their approach too.

Works recognize no territorial division of the world. No existing borders are acceptable to them. They have no country, no motherland (of feudalists and capitalists that fleece them in the name of patriotism, social development, etc.). The whole world is one to them. All humanity is their family with whom they share their fate. They reject the existing capitalist mode of production and reproduction of 'life' together with its corresponding property relations, ideals, politics, etc. They subscribe not to the imperialist ideals and gossip-houses UNO and Co.

Workers respect the free will and natural affinity of people, and, at the same time they draw a program about what they have to do and how they will ensure that the fruits of knowledge, science, technology, etc., are distributed to all the people equally. How they will grant houses, employment, education, free health care, etc., to the people. To them, plebiscite in any part of the world is not an end in itself, after which there is the doomsday and nothing more. Plebiscite can at best be just the beginning of a new life as the division of Hindustan was the beginning of Pakistan. But if Kashmir has just to repeat the history of Pakistan or Iran and be a reservoir of general social wretchedness, workers shun that plebiscite. For the workers, therefore, it is not the UNO or the Government of India or Pakistan under whose aegis the plebiscite ought to be conducted. It is the workers of Kashmir themselves in cooperation of the workers of India and Pakistan in particular and the workers of the world in general that will have to do that under the present conditions of imperialist hegemony. But such a blasphemy upon the UNO, Government of India, Pakistan and the world's masters can neither be acceptable to any of the people with tribal, feudal, capitalist or imperialist ideals nor will their militant and other non-militant groups and political organizations allow people to cast their votes out of their free will and volition. It needs the highest degree of discipline, sagacity and civility to conduct that plebiscite. It needs the wholehearted commitment to accept the result whatever that may be. Owing to its capacity of wresting the initiative from the so-called leaders and masters of the world and bestowing that into the hands of the masses, and owing to its threatening the existence of the current property-relations and prevalent general slavery and wretchedness, this approach is naturally unacceptable to all the 90% odd Kashmiris that have been craving for the conduction of plebiscite since 1947 AD-while this is the only possible way to resolve the issue.


Those that deserve to be extinct will meet their extinction. Those that work for their own doom shall be doomed. Those that cling to the status quo and close their senses to the general march of life outside their harems, shall be doomed. Nobody can save them.

But human beings are rational animals too. They are the creators of their own history too; they are their own destroyers too.

As such, it becomes the duty of the ones upon whom the epoch's truth has dawned to spread consciousness, concern, discipline and velour all over the globe to help the human species and its various sections, races and ethnic groups to organize themselves towards saving the species and its various sections, races and ethnic groups (all as a collective entity, as constituent parts of the same humanity) from getting extinct. Owing to their petit bourgeoisie and feudalist ideals, Kashmiri Pundits are already at the verge to extinction, so are the Muslims left in Kashmir. If the conditions continue as they are now for another twenty-five years-Kashmiris will be extinct, so will be Afghanis, Iraqis, Palestinians, and tens of millions of other people. Just as Mayas, Incas, Aztecs, etc., have been effaced from the earth.

As such it is none but the working class that can save these people as well as the whole humanity and pull the whole species out of its wretchedness, ignorance, tribal, feudal, capitalist, imperialist and petit bourgeoisie maladies, culture, notions, ideals and idiocies.

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