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<body>Michael Givel wrote:<br><br>> Streaks of raw Jew-hatred re-enter public discourse<br>> <br>> By JOHANN HARI<br>> GUEST COLUMNIST<br><br>This is a truly awful article by Hari. Hari's proof of a resurgent antisemitism appears to consist of the
following: a) an experience with the notorious far right front the IHR;
b) an experience with his hairdresser; c) an obviously embellished
account of the Edinburgh festival from <a href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,6-2312891,00.html"><strong>Jamie Glassman</strong></a>
and d) quite predictably, a mention of Gilad Atzmon (whose approach has
changed somewhat, although one wouldn't expect Hari to be interested).<br><br>his salutary reminder that Jews are not exempt from racist attacks and
harrassment, and that they have to be on the lookout for "suicide
packs" because <strong>"Remember: 38 percent of British Muslims believe British Jews are 'a legitimate target'"</strong>. This devious racist slur was not wholly manufactured by Hari, since the loaded poll originally appeared in <a href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/newspaper/0,,171-2028033,00.html"><strong>The Times</strong></a>.
That said, even The Times did not invent the bit about
"suicide packs": this much was entirely invented by Hari. The poll didn't specify what they should be targets for - badgering, pressure, propaganda, collaboration, violence... Hari simply infers that since we're talking about Muslims it must be suicide attacks. Perhaps
before instructing others about a nebulous 'resurgence' of anti-Jewish
racism, he should deal with his Muslim problem. Perhaps he should also
think twice about describing Jews as a "tribe".<br><br>In an amazing stroke of ingenuity, Hari cites <i>his lack of surprise</i>
at antisemitic arguments as proof that they are becoming mainstream. He
is even surprised at his lack of surprise - but then ignorance is the
mother of amazement. One would not be surprised at hearing someone utter antisemitic arguments since a) there have to be some nutters about, and b) the constant stream of New Antisemitism articles reinforces the expectation that one will encounter them.<br><br>Hari's article is mindless drivel.<br><br /><hr />Be one of the first to try <a href='http://ideas.live.com/programpage.aspx?versionId=5d21c51a-b161-4314-9b0e-4911fb2b2e6d' target='_new'>Windows Live Mail.</a></body>