>>Even some of the geniuses who were noted for
>>being genial had their defects. Albert Einstein
>>was a womanizer who cheated on both his wifes,
>>treating his first wife in particular pretty
>>shabbily. He also seems to have not been a
>>particularly good father to his children.
Truth of the matter is a lot of fathers suck. Two reasons I think. 1.
They never get a chance to bond with the kids cause they're working 2.
They lose their wife/mommy and this enrages them because they never want
to acknowledge that they need the wife/mommy in the first place.
As for Einstein, I actually read a funny anecdote in last week's New Yorker about him: When he was 2 1/2 his baby sister was born. His parents brought her home and showed her to him; his comment was "Yes, And does it have wheels?"
Very sensible I think.