[lbo-talk] You Can't Make Me Talk

Jim Farmelant farmelantj at juno.com
Sat Apr 7 17:50:50 PDT 2007

On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 19:40:05 -0400 "Charles Brown" <cbrown at michiganlegal.org> writes:
> > >
> > > Sure, there are information problems, but with
> > > modern computers , WalMart
> > > methods ,etc. it seems a lot more doable.
> It's at this point that I get off, because when I try
> to explain what the issues are, I don't seem to be
> able to make my ideas clear enough so that I get
> relevant responses that actually join with what seems
> to me to be the main points. It's very frustrating and
> not helpful.
> There is a large literature, some of it pretty
> accessible; interested people can read and find
> someone else to talk about it with.
> ^^^^^^
> CB: Now you're talking. I'll put a book mark in it here for when
> Pandora's
> box flies open again some time.


I believed that I have posted most of this information before on this list.

It should be noted that Hayek and von Mises faced rebuttals from a number of economic writers including the Polish Marxist economist, Oskar Lange (who argued that market socialism could provide an answer to Hayek's objections to socialism) while other writers like Paul Sweezy and Ernest Mandel defended the feasibility of a planned socialist economy. In more recent times, the British economists, Allin Cottrell and Paul Cockshott have attempted to answer directly Haykek's arguments and to defend the feasibilty of a planned economy. Some of their writings are listed below. I also include a critical review from Len Brewster in The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics who offers a rebuttal to Cottrell & Cockshott.

Oskar Lange's important works included, _The Foundations of Welfare Economics_ _On the Economic Theory of Socialism, Part I & II_ _ The scope and method of economics_

I haven't been able to find much him concerning his theories of market socialism online. There is some information about him at: http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/lange.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oskar_Lange

Michael Albert & Robin Hahnels' proposals for a decentralized non-market economy are described in their book, _The Political Economy of Participatory Economics_ which is available online at: http://www.zmag.org/books/polpar.htm

Below is listing of publications by Cottrell & Cockshott that are available online:

Allin F. Cottrell and W. Paul Cockshott, "Information and Economics: A Critique of Hayek." http://www.reality.gn.apc.org/econ/hayek.htm

__________, "Calculation, Complexity and Planning: The Socialist Calculation Debate Once Again." http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/calculation_debat... f ____________, "Socialist planning after the collapse of the Soviet Union" http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/soviet_planning.pdf _____________, "Information and Economics: A Critique of Hayek," Research in Political Economy, 1997. http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/hayek_critique.pdf ____________, Towards A New Socialism. http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/new_socialism.pdf http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/

Len Brewster, "Review of 'Towards a New Socialism,' by W. Paul Cockshott and Allin F. Cottrell," The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Spring 2004). http://www.mises.org/journals/qjae/pdf/qjae7_1_6.pdf

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