[lbo-talk] virginia stuff...

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Wed Apr 18 10:13:15 PDT 2007


Just a quick note on the U of V shootings. The real issue isn't guns or security. The real issue is the complete breakdown of the social safety net in public mental health. There is little on referral system, no public awareness, and no support for those seeking help on their own.

Also it takes a great deal of courage to take a roomate down to the mental health unit and get him to put himself into the nut house. I did this once in Iowa where they have big hospital/health system. Me and another roomate finally took our friend over to get him in, after a couple of weeks of very bizarre behavior.

Most people under the same context might, just move out...

[WS:] This absolutely right on the money! I have heard that from several people trying to get assistance for their troubled kids. Basically the choice is between private in-patient clinics for those few who can afford it (we are talking something in the vicinity of 20-30 grand a year, not covered by insurance) - or waiting until "something happens" and the juvenile justice system taking over. There is very little in terms of mental health care for emotionally or mentally disturbed kids who have not gotten in trouble with the law (yet) and whose parents cannot spare 20-30 grand for private psychiatric clinics.

Thanks to the Reagan 'revolution' and liberal 'patient rights' advocates it is almost impossible to commit someone to a public mental hospital, unless that person presents a clear danger to himself or others. It is very likely that someone like Cho Seung-Hui would not receive any services even if someone tried to get them for him.

There is a criminal neglect of public health, especially mental health services in this country.


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