Alot of the differences are found in choices. I make about 40k with my job. Most of my co-workers make significantly less (21K to start) why? I have worked there 12 years building up a salery, and i work over time. Most of my female co-workers refuse overtime and its not pushed here.
Julio Huato <juliohuato at> wrote:
Forgot to add that another factor is metro/non-metro status, educational attainment, and income level. So, the gap is largely a white, suburban, educated, middle-and-upper-class women problem. And I don't mean only that the gap in absolute terms is much larger for them than for minorities. That wouldn't be a surprise. What I mean is that in *percent terms*, the gap is *much larger* for white women in those demographic categories. In the northeastern U.S. at least, the gender gap is a luxury that minorities and the poor can't afford. And consider the classist slant in the media, that's probably a reason why it's so much publicized.
Just to prevent misunderstanding, what I say doesn't deny the existence of gender oppression inflicted on white, educated, suburban, otherwise privileged women by their male partners and/or our patriarchal society in general. To be honest, I don't get as outraged about it, precisely because that sector of U.S. women is otherwise privileged. Still, I'm removing the quotes around *problem* that I used in my previous posting.
And I don't mean either that gender oppression among minorities doesn't exist, just that it takes different forms. I'm just trying to put things in perspective on the basis of my reading of the data. ___________________________________
Jim Davis Ozark Bioregion, USA
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