[lbo-talk] Patrick Bond on climate change strategy

James Heartfield Heartfield at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 24 12:01:24 PDT 2007

Patrick, since you propose free electricity supply for the 'couple of billion people' who lack it (a proposal I applaud), of around 2kilowatt hours per day (which seems a bit stingy to me since UK consumption is 3,880kwhrs annually, or 10.6 kwhrs per day), you are proposing an increase in domestic supply of four billion kilowatt hours per day. I am not convinced that you can achieve that but cutting out waste in the aluminium industry. In any event, if we succeeded in transforming people's living conditions to that extent - and there seems to me to be no reason why that is unattainable - you would change their consumption patterns, too, leading I would guess to a much greater market for electronic goods, of which metals would be a large component. That would be "would be *great* from the standpoint of public health, gender equity, economic development and other merit goods."


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