[lbo-talk] green fakers

ravi ravi at platosbeard.org
Mon Aug 13 12:41:05 PDT 2007

On 13 Aug, 2007, at 14:36 PM, Doug Henwood wrote:
> <http://radaronline.com/features/2007/08/
> barbara_streisand_al_gore_hypocrisy_leonardo_dicaprio_1.php>
> Green Fakers
> Why Eco-Hypocrisy Matters
> By Jeff Bercovici
> <..>
> This was no isolated incident, but part of what's becoming a
> tediously familiar pattern. It starts when Celebrity X clambers up on
> a soapbox to tell the rest of us what we ought to be doing to Help
> Stop Global Warming. In short order, News Outlet Y reveals that
> Celebrity X is, in fact, a hypocrite, owing to her frequent private
> jet travel, energy-sucking McMansion, and generally outsize carbon
> footprint. Right on cue, supporters of Celebrity X counterattack,
> alleging that News Outlet Y is a tool of Right-Wing Corporate
> Interests, which merely want to obscure the debate over climate
> change with a lot of he-said-she-said crosstalk so they can continue
> with their nefarious, polluting ways. At the end of it all, Celebrity
> X, feeling vindicated, is free to carry on with her Earth-defiling
> behavior.

Indeed she is, because if one accepts the premise (that a celebrity can have an impact on the behaviour of her fans) then it doesn't matter that she herself is wasteful. A doctor, for instance, might overwork herself in order to do the research that shows that overworking is bad for your health. It doesn't matter that her own actions contradict the prescription they generate. You could argue that Streisand's entourage does not contribute to her celebrity status, but a more sympathetic look would show that these trappings are as much a part of celebrity as overworking is a part (these days) of research.

The bottom line is that News Outlet Y is not adding anything of real value to the discussion, but indulging in "Gotcha" gossip. You get this sort of shallow journalism and analysis on a frequent basis: the "exposé"s on rockers who "rock the vote" but do not vote themselves, the Henwoods (and others listed by Heartfield) who believe in global warming but use aeroplanes, the "leftists" who are unwilling to spend their money on charity for those (the poor, the working class, etc) they claim to argue in favour of, etc, etc.

Hypocrisy is over-rated as a technique for hypothesis verification,


This shouldn't need further explication, but clearly if this buy Bercovici can get published, it does need to be done:

In fact, Laurie David using recycled toilet paper (while still flying in private jets) is exactly the right thing. Her value is propaganda regarding particular choices, the ones that are available to the masses whose behaviour (choice) *can* make a difference. Here's a hint: private jets are not one of them.

<this space left for Carrol's comments on "individual consumption choices"> ;-)

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