[lbo-talk] The American Prospect 8/30/07: "What's behind the sub-prime disaster?" by Robt. Kuttner

Bill Bartlett billbartlett at aapt.net.au
Thu Aug 30 19:49:14 PDT 2007

At 10:37 PM -0400 30/8/07, Doug Henwood wrote:

> > This all could have been
>> prevented if deregulation had not been embraced so fervently as a
>> national economic creed.
>It's not a matter of creed. Deregulation was pushed because profits
>were down and the working class was surly. Liberals have no sense of
>class and power, do they?

That is precisely the defining characteristic of a "liberal". A rejection of class analysis of society. The three wise liberals hear no class, see no class and speak no class. So lots of things will always be incomprehensible or illogical to their philosophy that are virtually unremarkable to anyone with class consciousness, whether that is a working class consciousness or a ruling class consciousness.

But to the myopic liberal most of the world just makes no sense at all, the poor souls.

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

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